CANA Global CONNECT Vol. 2, Issue 2 – Clinical Perspective

New York City Men in Nursing

By: Fidelindo Lim, DNP, CCRN

          Since its founding in December 2013, the NYC Men in Nursing, a chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN), has grown tremendously and has accomplished so much! Its mission is to shape the practice, education, research, and leadership for men in nursing and advance men’s health. The roster of professional members come from 22 different hospitals and includes clinical staff nurses, home care nurses, professors and deans, nurse managers, nursing directors, and a deputy Chief Nursing Officer.  Student members come from 15 different nursing schools within the NYC area.  

Every month the chapter hosts a general membership meeting at various locations, such as hospitals and nursing schools, throughout Manhattan to help engage the nursing community in professional development and networking.  Each chapter meeting is about 2 hours long, with the first hour being a professional presentation, awarding 1 educational contact hour credit. Presenters are invited from local experts where the meeting is held. The chapter meeting is devoted to an interactive discussion of upcoming events, networking and planning. Twice a year, the chapter hosts a half a day conference to showcase evidence-based practice in topics such as critical care, mental health, emergency nursing, and health innovation.

One of the key accomplishments of the chapter is implementing a robust mentorship program. Now on its fifth cycle, the year-long mentorship matches between 10 to 20 pairs of mentors and mentees to work on achieving mutual goals. The participants engage in periodic check-in, share experiences and opportunities, cultivate professional socialization, and enhance social support. Notable mentorship outcomes include publication in peer-reviewed journals, gaining leadership skills, and achieving career goals.  

The chapter makes use of social media to garner membership and promote events. The chapter’s presence in facebook, instagram, linkedin, and twitter boosts its membership engagement. Members can write blogs on topics of interest. Every month the chapter features a member of the month, to highlight and celebrate the diversity of its members. Every summer the chapter hosts a well-attended barbecue fundraiser. All the proceeds from this event is given to the scholarship program. A total of 10 student members have been awarded $500 to support their nursing education.

Periodically, members of the chapter volunteer at local high schools to promote nursing as a viable career option for men. To raise awareness on men’s health, the chapter raised funds for the Movember event and AIDS walk.

In 2015, NYC Men in Nursing was awarded the President’s Award during the annual convention. The chapter continues to have a vibrant presence in the nursing landscape of New York City.

To become a member or to learn more about NYC Men in Nursing, please visit  and


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