Are you interested in knowing other Chinese American nurses?
Would you like to receive clinical, academic, and career support from other Chinese American nurses?
Come to join CANA and exchange information with your peers. Please check the following sections to learn more.

Membership Categories

1. Full membership
A full member must be of Chinese heritage and licensed as an RN in the United States.

2. Associate membership
An association member must meet ONE of the following criteria:
non-Chinese-American who is licensed as an RN in the USA
be licensed as a health-related professional in the USA
be licensed as an RN in other countries but not the USA
demonstrate continual support and/or volunteer at CANA’s events, [also called Friends of CANA (FOC)]

3. Honorary membership:
An honorary member shall be granted according to his/her distinguished service to the association and/or to the Chinese-American population or community. He/She is nominated by the executive committee and approved by a majority of the board committee.

4. Advisory membership:
An advisory member must hold full or associate membership and serve the board of committee for a good at least one term of presidency or administration term.

5. Student membership:
Student members are those who are currently enrolled in a US college/university institution and pursuing a license as a Registered Nurse (RN).

Member Benefits

Network with other members and community organizations
Attend CANA’s continuing education workshops at a discounted rate or free of cost
Develop your leadership skills through an opportunity to serve on our board committee
Locate health care professional careers specifically for Chinese-American (nurses)
Receive CANA’s scholarship for eligible student nurse members
Advance your nursing career through mentorship with our experienced nurses
Participate and represent CANA in various community services

Power and Rights

Voting privileges: full members shall be eligible to hold any of the elected positions. Each full member shall be eligible to cast one vote.
Access to annual meetings and other activities for all CANA members.
Categories 2 (associate), 3, (honorary), and 5 (student) members shall have all the benefits/powers/rights/ privileges of the association, except voting rights.

Membership Fee

Annual membership due $30

5-year membership due $100

10-year membership due $150

Lifetime membership dues are $250

Nursing student annual membership due $10

Retired nurse (age greater than 65 years old) membership due is free with an optional “suggested donation” of $15


How to Apply

New Applicants:

1. Online application HERE or

2. Please download the fillable application form HERE, complete the application, and submit it to and

Mail the membership due, to

Chinese American Nurses Association (CANA)
P.O. Box 527652
Flushing NY 11352

Make the check payable to:
Chinese American Nurses Association

Membership Renewal:
All membership shall be renewed by the month of January of each year.

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